Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Economy

Now, I may not know squat about the economy, but as they say, "Everyone has an opinion." So far, there seems to be two sides to this "Lets Play the Economy Game" thing in Washington. The Democrats seem intent on spending spending spending to bring us out of this recession. The Republicans say don't spend. Each side has it's benefits, and each side has it's problems. Our federal Government is not working for us as much as we need it to. That's why I think the states need to collaborate and solve this problem. And here's how.

Sales tax.

The Democrats are a point. Spending is required to get us out of this mess, but the US Government doesn't have any money to spend. We're loaning it from China and the rest of the world. How can we spend money if we don't have it?

There's the catch. Our government doesn't have the money, but, though few may believe this (and rightfully so) many Americans still live in lavish lifestyles, and many more Middle Class families make enough to get by. We the People...have the money.

But people don't want to lose their hard earned money in, as Republicans call it, "The Redistribution of Wealth", which is a fair statement. Though it may sound wrong, I don't think that the US Government can or should tax the rich and give to the poor. Instead of taking the money from Americans, the Government should encourage the people to spend their money.

And here is where it all comes together.

I propose that the State sales tax of each state be repealed for one day this year, and that the states alternate on who will repeal it. This way, people will be encouraged to spend more in a certain area at a certain time.

For example, lets say the States get together and decide that New York will be the first state to this "State Wide Sale". For one day, the sales tax will be repealed. All the people from the surrounding States, as well as New Yorkers, will buy buy buy all day. New York will get a boost in revenue, and the money will be "distributed". Then in a few days, they can do it in California, to give people on the West coast a break, and let the East coast fix itself.

The key to this plan is, though, that the people with the money need to spend it. I mean, does Bill Gates really need billions and billions of dollars??? In stead of having the government take money away from these billionaires, or even the just over the tax bracket middle class families, let them spend their money and get something for their hard earned dollars.

leave comments, let me know what you think.


- Sean

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